Beng Yuenyong

The Hague


Tam Boon flowers and more

Beng Yuenyongs’s practice is driven by research on changes in the iconography of the sublime throughout Western art history and changes in society caused by technological advancement and capitalism. Next to that he researches Thai religious objects and rituals related to Theravada Buddhism and its adaptation to capitalism and consumerism. In his work he creates adaptations of the objects utilized in Thai Buddhism produced with modern manufacturing techniques like 3d Printing and generative design and A.I. Works that are for sale are 3d Printed lotus flowers, incense pots and paintings of Thai altars made out of electrical devices.


Beng Yuenyong (1987) was born in Bangkok, Thailand, but his family moved to The Netherlands when he was still young.Here he graduated from the department of ArtScience (BA) at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague in 2017. He is a part of Trixie the Hague which is an Artist run initiative from The Hague. https://www.trixiethehague.nl/