NNN 32


A Table Talk between Sīxīn and Thya

ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノLet’s eat and talk!

The process started from August 2020, without knowing each other, Sīxīn and Scienthya decided to discover the possibilities of life during uncertain times. This had been the first time they had left their familiar surroundings in China and Indonesia to live alone in the new environment. Both tried to fit in and embrace the cultural diversity in The Netherlands in the beginning of their journey of their education in a Master’s programme at an art school that consists of international students from different backgrounds. Due to online education, they are unable to experience the expected life of education abroad, as there is no opportunity to create connections with their peers. However, a breaking point was found to tackle this isolation scenario under global pandemic, which is to bring their dining culture in the Western context. As a result, a space is created where schoolmates are invited to have dinner together in the homes of Sīxīn and Scienthya.


Answer PROMO QUIZ: Count how many times we say "table talk"? with your order to receive Printing file of Calendar (The Year of OX)


WhiteCutChicken is ready to serve you! 34/1 & RRTT zine are pre-order products, it will be delivered within 2.5 weeks. Because we will print them in RISO, we need patience and understanding from you!

Zēng Sīxīn is a laptop based graphic designer. She pays attention and takes action on alternative storytelling. Now she is studying her Master's degree in The Netherlands where she dives deeper in the field of design.

Scienthya Elona is a self-proclaimed painter and a graphic designer from Indonesia. She graduated in Visual Communication and Design A.K.A Graphic Design. Currently pursuing a Master’s degree in The Netherlands.



Digital format: .otf

Price 18 - 21 €

WhiteCutChicken is designed because I missed the most home-style white-cut chicken dish. Currently, I am studying in Holland, and we speak a different language. Food is like another language for me to communicate in daily life, as a graphic designer. I feel the urge to design a typeface with my understanding as a non native speaker when I am in the realm of design. I expanded the typeface with four tones in Chinese to adapt under the recent Chinese context.

Each year's calendar is a symbol of the Chinese people's greeting of the new year, and the use of paper calendars is a manifestation of the sense of ritual in Chinese life. So I made a calendar with abstract aesthetics and the WhiteCutChicken typeface to welcome 2021.

Op 1(Typeface only):18 €
Op 2(Typeface + Calendar): 21 €